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Woodward DNA Genealogy

Updated June 11, 2020

Contact webmaster: Rosemary at mcnerneywinkler dot com

This site includes Woodward DNA charts, stories, and pedigrees.

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Woodward/Woodard DNA Chart

Woodward Pedigrees

Southern States Group I

itt Woodard, as a young man, headed west to Davidson County, Tennessee, with his parents and brother Edward. His father purchased 320 acres on White's Creek on February 7, 1795. Pitt married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth Smith, and they raised their family on the Woodard farm on White's Creek. They were devout praying, shouting Methodists. They founded the first Methodist church in that area, and Pitt served in the capacity of class leader, steward, and trustee. The church also held camp meetings at Woodard's Campground on their farm. Pitt and Elizabeth had eleven children, and when they again headed west, over half of their children and families went with them. They traveled south and made their home in Polk County, Missouri, along the Little Sac River in 1836. Pitt, now 68 years old, built a two-story house with a huge stone fireplace. He also constructed a dam across the river and built a flour mill, operated by his slave Jacob, which served Polk County for more than thirty years. William Winton brought his family from Tennessee the following year and settled on land adjoining Pitt's. There they established the Hickory Grove Methodist Church where the two families and Pitt's slaves worshiped together. In a sermon preached at the church on its 50th anniversary, Pitt's grandson William S. Woodard said of Pitt, "In politics he was a Whig-decidedly so-by trade a tailor, and practically a farmer. He was five feet eight inches high, compactly built, walked erect, had blue eyes, fair complexion and a good countenance.... He lived a consistent Christian life, and died peacefully." Elizabeth died in 1844, and Pitt in 1849. They are buried in the Hickory Grove Church Cemetery. By 1893, they had more than twenty descendants who were Methodist preachers and a number of their descendants were gifted writers and musicians. Source: Family historian Kena Jacobs. They fought with the Confederacy in the American Civil War, after which the family lost its land and broke up. Some stayed in the same place in Missouri, which later became part of Oklahoma, and others moved west. Source: J. W. Woodard in 1954 as given to Jerry M. Woodard. Stories paraphrased by Rosemary McNerney Winkler.

ames Woodward fought in the American Revolution. He and his sons acquired plantations and land in Craven County, South Carolina which later became Horry and Georgetown Counties. They worked as planters, ministers, lawyers, lumbermen, doctors, fishermen, newspaper editors, teachers, mechanics, journalists, farmers, accountants, shop owners, and developers. South Carolina lost much after the American Civil War, and this family was no exception. Some stayed in South Carolina, and others moved to Georgia, Florida, California, and Hawaii. Source: Dixie Woodward Hinson.

Kit B553430

Kit 46018

Kit 368302

Kit 43389

Kit 34161

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