Rosemary McNerney Winkler's Genealogy Works

Woodward DNAWinkler DNAMcNerney McInerney DNALong DNAPedigreesPoemKids 1890-1905Kids 1906-1920Kids 1921-1952Extras


Updated May 1, 2022

Contact webmaster: Rosemary at mcnerneywinkler dot com

his site is dedicated to those interested in genealogy and family history, and especially in Y-DNA, a great resource for genealogists. If you have information on or are interested in the Irish Catholic Longs of Millstreet, County Cork, McNerneys of Glin, County Limerick or Earlys from Ballygawley, County Tyrone, or the Woodwards of England, Tischhausers and Daetweillers from Grabs, Switzerland, the Winklers from the ship Neptune, or for a genealogist's answers to Y-DNA questions, this is the site you have been looking for. Be sure to check out the Extras page for some exciting special links.

e have a new feature consisting of wonderful old photographs of kids from every family represented on this website. Click on one of the "Kids" link at the tops of this page.

inks to a sampling of surnames on this site:

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